__________ __ ________________ / _____/ \ / \/ _ \__ ___/___ _____ _____ \_____ \\ \/\/ / /_\ \| |_/ __ \\__ \ / \ / \\ / | \ |\ ___/ / __ \| Y Y \ /_______ / \__/\ /\____|__ /____| \___ >____ /__|_| / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ [ 1998 - 2010 - Hacking, Phreaking & Anarchy in the UK ] January 12 2010 . Author -=The Firestarter=- ---------------------------------------------------------- [ Kodak W820 WiFi capable digital frame 0wnage ] ---------------------------------------------------------- This one is a beauty. Kodak bring out a photoframe that not only allows you to add your own content via memory card or whatnot, but also has wonderful features such as displaying pictures from facebook or wherever. For example, the URL that one of these devices will use to pull information off the internet is as such: http://rss.framechannel.com//productId=KD9371/frameId=00:23:4D:B8:07:6D See that MAC address? thats what's used to identify which frame it is, if your frame wasn't set up, you'd turn it on, log onto the internet with it and it would give you a page telling you to go to the internet with a special code and sign up for it. Now they have implimented a level of security with these things, so you'll need a user agent changing plugin for firefox. Change your user agent to: AVOS/1.1 libhttp/1.1 then revisit the site! bingo you're in! So by changing the last three sections of the MAC address you have the potential to view other peoples photos, or in the case of new and un-set up photo frames, we can have the joy of pre-loading them with whatever images we like. This is where the fun begins! With a simple collection of ones own pr0n or even the imfamous goatse image, one can ensure that masses of people are scarred for life with there new purchase. have phun!